Making Life Better
“Peace 4 The Planet” began because Gary Gardner and I wanted to partner in an entrepreneurial project that aspires to achieve our desire to spread more peace in the world. We looked at what brothers John and Bert Jacobs did with their company “Life is Good” and we thought there was room for more than one movement that unites humanity with a positive message. Peace is our message, our movement, our mission, our plan. Life is better in peace.
Bringing more peace, abundance, happiness, healing, and growth in our lives can be achieved and it should not be difficult to move forward, together in positive directions. It starts individually, finding your inner peace and love. The starting point is always from you – allowing yourself to be at peace, treating yourself with respect and love. From a strong point of individual positive power, each of us can affect others by the way we treat strangers and friends alike. This is why we think wearing clothing that reflects your intention of peace is a powerful and positive tool to spread a movement of peace. Peace 4 The Planet provides products that allow you to wear your peace. Our motto is “wear it, be it.”
We do intend on growing Peace 4 The Planet into a successful and profitable company, but we have a goal to support organizations, individuals, foundations, and causes that align with our movement to support peace, harmony, dignity, love, and the abundant renewal of earth’s natural clean environment. We plan to contribute 10% of our profits to various causes and we have begun our intention with the sale of the P4P hat which will support the Elephant Rescue Park in Chang Mai, Thailand. This is only the beginning, and we want to hear from you, our partners in the peace movement, about what causes you would support in the Peace 4 The Planet movement.
Despite so many outward indications that hate is winning and love is losing, there is a very important scientific reason we must try to be more positive and loving and care about the world around us. We ARE all connected. This is not just an idealistic, spiritual theory, it is scientific. That is why it is more important than ever to think peace, be peace, and spread peace.
If you are not convinced there is scientific evidence that we are all connected to the universe, please watch this TEDx Taipei talk with Tom Chi. It is a fascinating and educating talk and worth learning that all people could relate and agree to a universal connectedness through science, without the quarrels with religious dogma and doctrine.
Tom Chi has worked in a wide range of roles from astrophysical researcher to Fortune 500 consultant to corporate executive developing new hardware/software products and services. He has played a significant role in established projects with global reach (Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo Search), and scaled new projects from conception to significance (Yahoo Answers from 0 to 90 million users).
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