Hello world. This is my first blog ever! I’m looking forward to sharing with you my experiences, observations and connectivity to establish a path, an open door to a community for Peace 4 the Planet. Literally. I really want peace for the planet.
I have always considered myself to be a mindful and pretty mellow person. However, with today's world’s stresses, I’ve found myself on edge more often. Just not feeling it.
Well, in August of 2017 I made a journey to Chiang Mai, Thailand. It was my first time to Thailand and I was eager for some culture, new experiences, and yummy vegan cuisine. It was a wonderful time.
One event in particular on this trip impacted me greatly. With the recommendation of a friend, I visited, Elephant Rescue Park, just outside of Chiang Mai...in the mountains, the jungle. I cannot explain to you my individual connection to the elephants. One has to experience themselves. But, to be walking alongside them, talk, bathe and feed them. Something, the setting, my state of mind...their honest acceptance of my presence, propelled me to a better place and peaceful presence.
It is this trip to Thailand and my time with the elephants that strongly influenced the creation of Peace 4 the Planet.
The following video is from November 2016 but even today truly captures the passion and commitment of Elephant Rescue Parks’ owner to his extended pachyderm family. Enjoy.
You can also see them on their Facebook page
Please come back for more of my blog posts here.
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