It wasn’t a conscious decision to just ignore 2020, stop contributing content to this blog, and take a sabbatical from public life, but COVID 19 made it convenient to do so. As I begin again with some enthusiasm, opening to the sunshine of a new year, and commit myself to mature in a meaningful way, it hits me that our minds and mental health should be treated just as mindfully and carefully as our physical health to remain well and avoid catching the dreaded virus. It was an absurd year when the word “positive” was actually negative, and “negative” is positive. For our brains that must be the bomb that will make it explode.
We had been trained to think positively and to reject the negative. So, what happened? Perhaps this vile Corona Virus made worse other diseases of sorts, the disgraceful divisive influences on society, ugly violence, riots, and assault on our ethics and democracy in general. I need not name names, but I am looking forward to the transition to a saner governing of the USA and peaceful coexistence and cooperation among all nations.
Today I was perusing YouTube and came across a video from Mayim Bialik. She’s that lovable nerd who married Dr. Sheldon Cooper on “The Big Bang Theory,” Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler, or some may know her from the TV show “Blossom” where she played Blossom Russo. What you might not know is that she is also a real neuroscientist with a Ph.D. I guess we should call her Dr. Mayim Bialik.
Along with launching a new television series, “Call Me Kat,” she is starting a podcast on mental health. It’s called Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown, and it couldn’t be more fun and entertaining as well as informative. Not everything beneficial must be fed to us in all seriousness. I also think the fact that she is an actor, as well as a badass doctor of neuroscience, will make for a podcast that’s delightfully informative and will promote mental health. I will certainly look forward to viewing the upcoming episodes.
Eventually, I want to achieve a standard where my blogs, podcasts, or videocasts could be received as well as hers or any of the entertaining and enlightening personalities online and off are producing. But until then, may I present “Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown.”
For more information on Mayim Bialik's podcast go to https://www.bialikbreakdown.com/
Jan 4, 2021 - Karen Nish Nishimura
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