Hello, fellow purveyors of peace. I’m sure many of you watched, read, or heard about the many marches around the world demanding action for stricter laws on gun ownership, manufacturing and the like. The March for Our Lives attitude is just the beginning of a hopeful road to peace for our planet.
People fill Pennsylvania Avenue during the "March for Our Lives" rally in support of gun control, on March 24, 2018. Check out their Facebook page.
I believe it is these children, these young adults, and many, soon to be voters, who will be first to make a difference in turning the world policies around and save themselves and earth from greedy self-destruction. It is my opinion that too many of today’s adults don’t seem to be able to shed old ways and ideologies.
I support the movers and shakers of the world’s youth in their quest to “clean up the mess.” From here on out, every day is the march for our lives.
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